Benefits of Birth Control Beyond Preventing Pregnancy

Far and away the most commonly recognized use for birth control of any type is, well, to prevent pregnancy! But did you know the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has actually approved some hormonal contraception methods for medical uses beyond preventing pregnancy? That’s because the hormones in birth control can actually manage and treat some hormone-associated medical conditions by helping to balance the hormonal fluctuations that happen throughout your cycle. 

Contraception for a Variety of Conditions

Heavy periods (menorrhagia) There is both an oral contraceptive pill (OCP) and a hormonal IUD approved to help manage very heavy periods. They can help decrease the flow and shorten your period’s duration. 

Painful periods (dysmenorrhea)– Prostaglandins are a hormone that causes the uterus to contract during periods to shed the uterine lining. Taking OCPs helps prevent ovulation, thereby lowering prostaglandin levels. That means reduced uterine contractions and less cramping with your period. 

Hormonal acne Hormonal fluctuations can be a trigger for acne. There are several oral contraceptive pills approved to treat hormonal acne. Combination estrogen and progesterone pills work best. The specific progesterones in these pills decrease the hormone testosterone, which is involved in acne formation. 

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)– People with PCOS have irregular ovulation and periods, higher levels of a hormone called androgen, and/or cysts on the ovaries. By preventing ovulation, OCPs can prevent these cysts from forming and make periods less painful and more regular. The pill can also reduce acne and unwanted hair growth common in this condition.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) Do you have mood swings, breast tenderness, and bloating that are hard to manage in the days leading up to your period? Many women have a mix of emotional and physical symptoms that OCPs may help to manage. PMDD is a more severe form of PMS that involves stronger emotional and psychological symptoms. The OCP Yaz is approved to treat symptoms of PMDD. 

Endometriosis In this chronic condition the tissue lining your uterus, the endometrium, grows in places outside the uterus. This tissue bleeds during your period no matter where it is located. Most commonly this happens in and around the reproductive organs, leading to pelvic pain, painful intercourse, heavy menstrual bleeding, and cramping. Since continuous birth control pills and IUDs allow you to skip periods, they can be a good option for managing symptoms of endometriosis. 

Menstrual migraines– Fluctuations in estrogen over the course of the month can trigger migraines for some people. Taking birth control pills continuously (i.e. skipping the placebo week) to keep estrogen levels more stable throughout the month is a common way to manage migraines associated with your cycle. 

Cancer risk reduction– Combination OCPs can significantly reduce the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer later in life. Longer duration of use is associated with greater risk reduction. 

Perimenopause– Birth control pills can ease symptoms common during the menopausal transition such as hot flashes, mood swings, and irregular periods. 


Like with any medication, people sometimes have unwanted side effects from hormonal contraceptives such as nausea, spotting, headache, mood changes, an elevation in blood pressure or possible weight loss or gain. Whether you’re just wanting to prevent pregnancy or you’re wanting to better manage a hormone-related condition as well, it can sometimes take some trial and error to find the contraceptive method that works best for you. Your healthcare provider can be a great partner in helping you to make an informed decision!


TL;DR: From heavy bleeding to menstrual migraines to acne, hormonal birth control can help manage a number of hormone-related conditions!

Do you want to prevent pregnancy AND better manage any of the conditions mentioned above? Talk to your healthcare provider about the best contraception method to suit all of your needs. If you are located in our service area and are looking for free birth control, please reach out to us by calling or texting 423-265-7837

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